Information on our Save the Bees Bakesale!
4 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Did you know that Charles Haskell has a pollinator garden? Each year we hold a bakesale to raise funds for more plants and supplies.   We need your help!  Please donate pre-wrapped snacks (like Little Debbbie) from March 2nd- to March 27th. The bake sale is March 28th! Items will be sold for $1  each.
Reminder! Fun Free Game Night on Tuesday, March 4th.
4 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Family Game Night. Join us for a family event with free food, and a fun time playing board Games. Tuesday March 4th 5:30-7pm. Nachos served from 5:30-6:00
The Green House of Isibindi knows how to work together as a team!
6 days ago, Sarah Shackford
students passing hulu hoop without hands to build teamwork
students passing hulu hoop without hands to build teamwork
students passing hulu hoop without hands to build teamwork
students passing hulu hoop without hands to build teamwork
Real World Math Night
6 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Join us for math exploration. Tuesday March 25th 6:00-7:30 at 1001 W Danforth. Make math meaningfull and fun. Registar with andrea.wheeler@edmondpublic Free learning bags for families.
Second Grade and Coach Dodd Present Fitness Follies!
8 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Second grade fitness follies. Step back in time and grew to the closet at our second grade program. Please send your child to school looking groovy in their 7 days outlet. They'll be having a dresser so we'll be able to learn.
Family Game Night
11 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Family Game Night. Join us for a family event with free food, and a fun time playing board Games. Tuesday March 4th 5:30-7pm. Nachos served from 5:30-6:00
Presidents' Day
18 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Have a Great Presidents' Day. No school for professional Development Feb 17th
Congratulations to February's Cafeteria Helpers. Thanks for helping to make our school a fun and safe space!
18 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Students posing for pictures in the cafeteria after been chosen for student helpers of the month.
Because of continued isolated icy roads in parts of our district as well as slick and dangerous parking lots and sidewalks, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Thursday, February 13th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Based on the current forecasts, we plan to be back to in-person school on Friday.
20 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
Thursday Feb 13 remote learning day
Because of the predicted freezing rain creating poor road conditions overnight, Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for all schools for Wednesday, February 12th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted. Updated to reflect correct date.
20 days ago, Edmond Public Schools
Roger: Look, Anita! Puppies everywhere! Anita: There must be a hundred of them! First Grade Celebrates 101 Days of School.
25 days ago, Sarah Shackford
1st students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
1st students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
1st students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
1st students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
How does Pre K at Charles Haskel celebrate 101 days of school? With 101 Dalmations of course!
25 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Pre k students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
Pre k students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
Pre k students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
Pre k students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
Pre k students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
Pre k students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
Pre k students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
Pre k students and teachers dress like 101 Dalmations for the 101st day of school.
Candy grams on sale now until the 12th!
26 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Use the QR code to order Candy Grams for One Dollar Each! Grams will be delived to classrooms on Feb 14th. Orders accepted through Feb 12th.
Watch as Kindergarten celebrates the 100th day of school with a parade and STEM activites in the classroom!
27 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Kinder teachers dressed up as old ladies for 100 day of school
students working on 100 day of school projects
students working on 100 day of school projects
student in grey wig for 100 day of school
student celebrating 100 day of school
students and teachers celebrating 100 day of school
New incentives for substitute teachers. Subs help our schools so much! Reach out for more information on becoming a substitute teacher.
27 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Sub incentives. Extra Pay Fridays. Work more days, earn more money. Work 65 days earn 15/ day more. 54 days, earn 10 day more. 43 days earn 5 a day more. Payable at the end of the year. Subs can qualify for both incentives.
Information about Book Fair!
28 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Winter book fair. Get ready to embark on a literary adventure at the highly anticipated Literati book fair.  February 10th-14th. Contact for more infomation or to volunteer to help shopers at the book fair.
Information about Kindness Day!
29 days ago, Sarah Shackford
Kindness Week. Feb 10-14th. Monday- wear bows or bow ties. Tuesday Dress like a rockstar. Wednesday, pajamas, Thursday, dress like a character from Inside Out. Friday, wear hearts or red.
Because of an increasing number of student and staff absences this week, we have made the difficult decision to close school for all Edmond Public Schools for tomorrow, Friday, January 31st. Extracurricular activities will continue as scheduled.   This decision was made in advance to give our families and staff members time to prepare. We will let you know as soon as possible how this instructional time will be made up.   We look forward to seeing your students back in class on Monday morning.
about 1 month ago, Edmond Public Schools
all schools closed January 31
Because of continued snowfall and roads freezing overnight, all Edmond Public Schools will move to remote learning for Friday, January 10th. Students should refer to information sent by their school site for assignments that will need to be completed for attendance to be counted.
about 2 months ago, Arin Smith
Friday January 10, 2025 Remote Learning Day
Congratulations to January Cafeteria Helpers. These students will be helping out with our clothing drive to support our school as well as the Edmond Hope Center.
about 2 months ago, Sarah Shackford
Students particpating in volunteer project for the hope center.